Why do A/C\’s need refrigerant refills?

\"\"If you notice warm air blowing or frost and ice on your central air conditioner lines, those may be symptoms of low refrigerant. Sometimes a central air conditioner needs a charge of refrigerant, most commonly called Freon. Even though units sometimes require a refrigerant refill, this does not mean that your central air conditioner \”uses\” refrigerant. The refrigerant is the primary product that a system uses to transfer heat from inside to outside your home. When the refrigerant is low that means there is a leak somewhere in your system. The outdoor portion of your A/C system is susceptible to wear and tear from outdoor elements and critters. Most times these leaks are minuscule and not visible to the naked eye.

If your unit does not seem to be performing optimally consider an air conditioner tune-up. Part of a tune-up from Hillside is checking the current level of refrigerant. If you find yourself recharging your system annually you may want to consider replacement, Hillside can help with that too! \"\"

Spotlight on: 2 years for 1 – A/C Plan

The response has been fantastic, we thought it was a great offer and so did our customers. Reminder, you can get 2 seasons for the price of 1 on an A/C maintenance plan. the earlier in the season you take advantage of this offer, the longer your coverage will be in effect.

Considering a maintenance plan for your central air conditioning unit? Now is a great time, Hillside is offering 2 seasons for the price of 1. Sign up now for a central air conditioner maintenance plan and get coverage through the end of summer 2015, for the price of 1 year. $179 will get your coverage for 18 months, long enough to remain covered for the next 2 air conditioning seasons!

See all the details about our central air conditioner maintenance plan.

Hillside\’s maintenance plan has several great features including 50% off all parts and labor INCLUDING refrigerant. Our maintenance plan has a \”can\’t lose\” feeling, we offer a complete refund toward the price of a new installation by Hillside if you are unable to utilize the plan while covered.

Give Hillside HVAC a call today so you can be prepared this summer! DE: 302-738-4144. In MD: 410-398-2146

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