Clocks, Batteries, Air Filters, and a few other tips from Hillside

Time to Fall Backwards
This upcoming weekend is a busy weekend for house chores. For those of us that still have manual clocks or VCR’s, it is the weekend to Fall backward in time. Historically this is always a great time to check smoke detector batteries and change your heating/air conditioning system air filters. It used to be easy to knock out these few house chores while wandering around spinning hands of clocks backward. Don’t let technological advancement and smartphones lull you into forgetting to change those batteries and air filters…unless, of course, you have in-house robots to do these menial tasks.

Change your air filter regularly
Depending on what type of air filter you have, it should be checked or changed every 1-3 months. Even if you have the expensive cleanable air filters that last an entire year, it is still worth a minutes time to give it a check for dirt or anything that might block airflow.

Is it time to consider replacement of your equipment?
Nobody likes to think about such a major expense, but if you have to, the payback time for newer more efficient equipment is getting shorter and shorter. An investment today can show payback in savings of utility costs in just a few years, not to mention much more efficiency, and not worrying about how much more life is left if your equipment. Hillside ALWAYS does free estimates on new and replacement equipment and we have financing available for those that qualify.

Consider a programmable thermostat

For a limited time, we are giving away a remotely accessible thermostat with a combination heat/air conditioner installation! Up to $800 value! These programmable thermostats are ideal for people who have a set schedule, leaving and returning home at the same time each day. A programmable thermostat will turn your equipment on and off to meet your schedule, so it is warm when you get home, but saving you money while you are away. If your schedule is a bit unpredictable, consider a programmable thermostat that you can access from anywhere you have your smartphone or Internet access. Turn your equipment on or off from anywhere, adjust the temperature, check outside temperature, and even change your program schedule whenever you need! Hillside is proud to offer a fantastic remotely accessible programmable thermostat, give us a call if you are interested or would like more info.

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Delaware: 302.738.4144
Maryland: 410.398.2146

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