Cold weather is here, time to start planning

Waking up to a layer of snow the other morning surprised some of us. For others, it was the realization that the cold weather was probably here to stay. Along with the cold weather comes a much busier time for us here at Hillside. We try our best to accommodate all orders and delivery requests for heating oil. But as we get busier, we start to schedule deliveries up to several days out. Only so many gallons fit on an oil truck and so many hours a day we can work (these are actual laws enforced upon us). Please take this opportunity to check the level in your tank and plan accordingly.

Hillside’s automatic delivery heating oil customers have nothing to worry about; we have you covered. We do all the planning, so you don’t have to worry about running low on heating oil. If you are not on automatic, consider the change. It can save you headaches, troubles at home, and possibly even money in the long run. Give us a call or check out our website for information.

Thank you to all our customers who support local, homegrown, family businesses. Have a great weekend!

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