Hillside Oil Heating & Cooling is going to choose a random winner for a FREE ($79 value) year of enrollment in our Tank-Guard program each Friday in September! Winners will be picked from entries on our Facebook page. If you are interested in winning a year of free protection on your home heating oil tank, head over to Hillsides Facebook page (www.fb.com/HillsideHVAC) and get yourself entered! Entering is simple, post on your page tagging Hillside, or post to our page telling us to \”Enter me to win!\” along with a picture of your oil tank. Be as fun or creative as you like. Winners announced each Friday in September.
Tank-Guard is a warranty program offered by Hillside for home heating oil tanks. It is protection for above ground and basement heating oil tanks up to 330 gallons capacity. The annual cost for enrollment is $79. The nuts and bolts are that if your home heating oil tank leaks while covered under the Tank-Guard program, Hillside will replace it at no additional cost. The only requirement for enrollment is a visual inspection of your existing tank by a Hillside representative.
All the information about the Tank-Guard program: The program is very affordable and fantastic coverage. Please make sure you are eligible for the Tank-Guard program before entering, tank must be above ground or in your basement, and 330 gallons or smaller.