Give your air conditioner a “test run” before the heat of summer arrives

Many of us put off turning on the air conditioner as long as possible. Air conditioning is not cheap to run, and this is the time of year that a few open windows is all the satisfaction we need. Hillside would suggest giving your unit a “test run”, if you have not already. If you are home this weekend, turn on your unit and let it run until the house cools down to the desired temperature. This could save you a headache and money in the near future.

The hottest weather is still to come. Somewhere in the near future, you have just gotten off from work, it is one of those long days that was not over soon enough. The car is heated up from sitting in the sun all day. You roll the windows down, but that doesn’t quite cut it, time to turn on the car A/C. You arrive home and it is sweltering hot inside your home. The dogs look miserable and the cat is basking in the sun beating through the windows. You make a dash to the thermostat, this weather is just out of your comfort zone, time for air conditioning. Hopefully, everything goes smoothly, but there is a chance the air conditioner may not perform properly.

After sitting stagnant for the long winter the air conditioning unit could have dust build up both inside and outside. It is time to knock of the cobwebs and give the unit a test run. Slow refrigerant leaks could cause the unit to run but only blow warm air. Sitting unused for the winter may be long enough for that slow refrigerant leak to make a huge impact. Undercharged units reduce efficiency drastically. Consider an air conditioner tune-up from Hillside. A well-maintained air conditioning unit means more efficiency, a comfortable home for your family, and hopefully avoiding untimely breakdown inconveniences and expenses when your air conditioning is needed the most. If you run into a problem, Hillside also has a full-service department for repairs, replacements, and installations. Thanks for your time and please keep Hillside in mind if you, family, or friends are in need of any air conditioner service.

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