Heating Oil Truck from Hillside



Heating Oil Delivery Company In DE, PA, & MD

Hillside is a full-service heating oil company offering automatic delivery, call-in delivery. We offer multiple billing options, including pay online, C.O.D., and monthly budget payment plans.

Being a full-service heating oil provider means that we will keep your home warm no matter the weather with oil deliveries and comprehensive repair services.

Call Hillside Oil Heating & Cooling today at 302-738-4144 (DE&PA) or 410-398-2146 (MD) to schedule your home heating oil delivery, or complete the form to the right.

Check our current rates daily and call us today to order your heating oil.


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Contact Us

This contact form does not constitute an order for oil delivery. Please cal our office at 302-738-4144 or 410-398-2146. Thank You.

Your Local Heating Oil Company

The entire Hillside team is local! From our customer service specialists to drivers and technicians, we live and work where you do. Our skilled and experienced team knows the area, and we’ve been trusted by the community to deliver heating oil throughout New Castle County, DE, Cecil County, MD, and Southern Chester County, PA. We operate one of the largest and most well-maintained fleet of delivery trucks in the area. Chances are you’ve seen our trucks in your community!

Why Choose Hillside for Your Heating Oil?

Flexible Delivery Options

Hillside is a full-service heating oil company offering automatic delivery or call-in delivery. Automatic delivery allows us to keep track of the amount of oil used in your home, and we automatically schedule deliveries when you need them. Or, if you prefer, we can make deliveries upon your request. Above all, it’s about what works best for you and your home.

Budget Billing

A monthly budget plan allows customers to spread their heating expenses throughout the year, and is an effective way to avoid large peak-season bills. The calculation of a customer’s monthly budget is straightforward. Hillside uses estimated annual expenditures and divides that amount into equal monthly payments. The budget amount may be adjusted up or down as many times as needed throughout the season, depending on price and weather.

One Price for Fuel Oil

We do not offer different programs or levels of customer service. We treat all our customers equally, and everyone receives the same price. Our COD price is available by paying at the time of delivery. Hillside’s credit billing customers receive ten days to get an additional 5 cents per gallon off. Prices are based on market price and are subject to change.

We operate a fleet of modern, clean, and well-maintained vehicles.

Reliable equipment allows Hillside to arrive on time and provide prompt and efficient service. Safety is a primary concern for our customers and employees, and routine equipment maintenance and safety training for our drivers helps keep you and your home safe. This in turn keeps our business costs lower, which allows us to pass those savings onto you with the lowest possible prices.

Hillside Account Application

Establish an account by filling out this application. It’s that easy!

Budget Sign-up Form

Hillside’s budget plan stretches annual expenses into monthly payments. We use a simple formula…your annual expense with Hillside is divided into the number of months remaining in our budget season. Plans are designed specifically for your budget.

Schedule FREE Estimate

Call us today to learn more about our heating oil delivery options  and to schedule your fuel delivery at 302-738-4144 (DE&PA) or 410-398-2146 (MD).

Join Over 5000 Customers Who Trust Hillside For


Hillside Awards


All of our work is guided by three generations of family attitudes and values – respect, loyalty, integrity, accountability, honesty, kindness. We pride ourselves on building excellent relationships with our customers, some of whom we have served for decades, and then gone on to serve their children for decades. Above all, we know what it’s like to be a customer and how we’d like to be treated.

That’s why we’re so honored to have received thousands of glowing ratings, reviews, recommendations, and testimonials from our heating and cooling customers. It means the care we put into our work shows through, and that we truly are doing customer service right.

Hillside Oil Heating & Cooling Service Areas

Proudly Serving New Castle County, DE, Cecil County, MD and Southern Chester County, PA.

302-738-4144 (DE & PA) 410-398-2146 (MD)

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