Heating HVAC company Hillside

Tank-Guard® Oil Tank Warranty

Tank-Guard® Oil Tank Warranty Protection Plan in DE, MD, & PA

Corrosion protection and warranty service for above ground fuel oil tanks up to 330 gallons capacity.

The TANK-GUARD® Program is a corrosion protection and warranty service for aboveground fuel oil tanks up to 330 gallons capacity. With this program, we offer our customers an effective chemical corrosion inhibitor plus the security of our “peace-of-mind” tank replacement warranty.

Why Choose TANK-GUARD®?

Although standard steel heating oil tanks are renowned for their strength and durability, they inevitably reach a point where replacement becomes necessary. Typically, the culprit is internal corrosion, which gradually occurs due to natural condensation over time. Unfortunately, most homeowner insurance policies and oil dealer service agreements do not include coverage for oil tank replacement.

Enter our proactive TANK-GUARD® Oil Tank Protection Program. This program ensures that eligible tanks are shielded from the harmful effects of internal corrosion by applying an effective liquid corrosion inhibitor, thus reducing the risk of tank failure. Moreover, when your tank is registered in our program, you also benefit from substantial financial protection through our generous tank warranty if tank replacement becomes necessary.
A solid tank replacement warranty backs TANK-GUARD®. If the TANK-GUARD® warranty covers a tank leak, your oil tank will be replaced at no charge (parts and labor). Removal and certified disposal of your old tank are included. Your oil tank is a vital heating system component and worth protecting. With this warranty, the TANK-GUARD® program offers complete tank protection. Oil leaks can be severe, so please check your oil tank regularly and call Hillside at the first sign of any leak.

Why Choose TANK-GUARD®?

TANK-GUARD® corrosion inhibitor is a water-soluble concentrate. It does not mix with the large quantity of oil in the tank. It mixes only with the relatively small amount of moisture and sludge in the tank bottom, where it serves as a neutralizing agent and helps to impede further corrosion.

TANK-GUARD® Program Overview

Safety Inspection
Hillside’s service technician will conduct an initial safety inspection to determine program eligibility, adhering to visual inspection guidelines recommended by the National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA).

Corrosion Inhibitor Treatment
As part of routine oil delivery or service, your tank will receive a concentrated application of our TANK-GUARD® liquid corrosion inhibitor.

Oil Tank Warranty
In the event of internal corrosion-related leakage, while your tank is enrolled in the TANK-GUARD® Program, your oil heat dealer will coordinate tank replacement, and you’ll receive a $2,000 warranty credit to offset replacement costs. Please consult your dealer for comprehensive warranty details.

Automatic Renewal
Your TANK-GUARD® protection automatically renews each year. You’ll receive a renewal bill, ensuring your tank is treated annually with the TANK-GUARD® corrosion inhibitor, and your warranty remains unaffected.

Click HERE for the enrollment form, details, warranty coverage, and terms & conditions.


This contact form does not substitute for a service call request. Please call our office 302-738-4144 or 410-398-2146. Thank You.


To enroll in our TANK-GUARD® program, call us at 302-738-4144 (DE&PA) or 410-398-2146 (MD) or download our TANK-GUARD® Program.


All of our work is guided by three generations of family attitudes and values – respect, loyalty, integrity, accountability, honesty, kindness. We pride ourselves on building excellent relationships with our customers, some of whom we have served for decades, and then gone on to serve their children for decades. Above all, we know what it’s like to be a customer and how we’d like to be treated.

That’s why we’re so honored to have received thousands of glowing ratings, reviews, recommendations, and testimonials from our heating and cooling customers. It means the care we put into our work shows through, and that we truly are doing customer service right.

Hillside Oil Heating & Cooling Service Areas

Proudly Serving New Castle County, DE, Cecil County, MD and Southern Chester County, PA.

302-738-4144 (DE & PA) 410-398-2146 (MD)

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