Heating Oil Under $3/gallon

Usual disclaimer, we here at Hillside do not claim to be smarter than the average bear, nor can we see into the future. This is information we are passing along that pertains to the price of home heating oil. Retail heating oil prices have dropped to under $3 per gallon for the first time in approximately 5 years. This is helpful to everyone. Even if you do not use home heating oil, you are probably still affected by fuel prices, gasoline, diesel fuel, etc… Hillside is proud to be the ONLY company to advertise our price for everyone on the front page of our website 24/7 www.HillsideHVAC.com

So far this winter, heating oil prices have remained level and steady at a 5-year low. Nobody is saying that oil (and gas) is cheap, but the non-volatility of pricing and the lower than recent prices are enough to breathe a small sigh of relief. This is good news for many Hillside HVAC customers who depend on us to get you through the winter. Hillside lowered our retail price today, a price decrease with cold weather coming is typically unheard.

If you have been waiting to fill up, this might be a good time.

Give Hillside HVAC a call today so you can be prepared this winter! DE: 302-738-4144 MD: 410-398-2146

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