The Cecil County Fair may be winding down, but for many, the best is still to come. The last few nights at the fair offer the biggest attractions, the rodeo and the smash-up derby! These are the biggest draws of the fair and the events the entire family can agree are spectacles to be seen. The candy guessing game for kids is still up for grabs. There are 4 more nights to stop by and take a guess at the candies for a chance to win the candies, a dentist appointment, and $20.
Thank you to everyone that has stopped by Hillside’s booth to say hello. Welcome to all the new Wilson Fuel customers, and thank you very much for coming and introducing yourselves. Still, plenty of nights to stop by and get your name into the drawings for the FREE OIL AND SERVICE. Plenty of giveaways left to be given away. Also, lots of yummy doggie treats left courtesy of Waggies by Maggies. Come get some treats and let\’s swap dog stories.
The fair is in town through Saturday. Come by and spend a night out with the family and friends. Make sure to stop by in the evenings and say hello to the Hillside Gang at our booth.
Thank you for supporting local, family-owned businesses by considering Hillside and visiting the Cecil County Fair!