Choose Hillside for converting your heating oil to natural gas.
Delmarva Power has been aggressively running natural gas lines everywhere they can reach. Do you live in an area or community that has natural gas available? Hillside has been doing conversions for many of our customers, at prices below other quotes they are getting from local companies. We may sell heating oil, but Hillside also has a full-service heating and air conditioning department that can help with any type of service, replacement, repair, or conversion. We would hate to see you go as an oil customer but would love the opportunity to make sure you are converted to high-quality service, knowledgeable technicians, and at the most affordable rate possible. Keep Hillside in mind for any HVAC services you might need.
Give Hillside a call for prices and options: DE: 302-738-4144 or MD: 410-398-2146