Some customers ask us if they should get an A/C system tune-up every year or just every couple of years.
That’s like asking whether you should brush your teeth every day or every other day.
Every equipment manufacturer requires regular maintenance to keep warranties valid. It’s that important.
Regular tune-ups prevent many problems that can lead to breakdowns and expensive repairs. Tune-ups keep your cooling system operating at peak efficiency, which helps you save on electric costs. It’s not expensive, and it will eliminate hassles this summer.
What’s the best time to get it done?
When we get to mid-June, the phones are ringing so much that scheduling a convenient time is hard. Plus, if we find something wrong, you don’t want to suffer through 90° temperatures while we try to give you a solution.
So please call early. Better yet, enroll in our Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan. This guarantees same-day emergency service 7 days a week (including holidays) and repair discounts.
Please contact us today to schedule your A/C tune-up or to request enrollment in our Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan.
4 Mistakes People Make When Buying a Central Air Conditioner
We polled our service team to determine the biggest mistakes they have seen people make with their central A/C. Here is what they have witnessed over the years.
Overspending on efficiency. Sometimes, it makes sense to spend extra for an ultra-high-efficiency system. Sometimes, it is not worth the cost. It depends on your energy use and the trade-off between up-front cost and savings.
Choosing the wrong contractor. It’s not the equipment but the quality of the installation that makes the biggest difference. You can invest in the best system in the world, but if your contractor installs it improperly, you will not get the comfort and savings you paid for. What’s more, trying to get them to stand behind what they sell can be a nightmare.
Waiting too long to replace an A/C system and delaying the inevitable risks lowering your options and compromising your comfort. During the hot weather, air conditioning companies, including us, get booked weeks in advance for installation jobs. It’s always best to replace your A/C system before summer if possible.
Not understanding all the options. Today, there are many ways to get the ideal system for your home. Hillside is large enough to give you many budget and physical space options. If you have more choices and good guidance, you are likelier to live “comfortably ever after.”
Not understanding all the options. Today, there are many ways to get the ideal system for your home. Hillside is large enough to give you many budget and physical space options. If you have more choices and good guidance, you are likelier to live “comfortably ever after.”
Not understanding all the options. Today, there are many ways to get the ideal system for your home. Hillside is large enough to give you many budget and physical space options. If you have more choices and good guidance, you are likelier to live “comfortably ever after.”
In this handy video guide, our Hillside Guy, Jim Sellers, review how to choose your new AC unit. From tonnage to SEER rating to warranties, there are many components you can decide on when purchasing your new appliance.
Please contact us today for a free estimate on new cooling equipment. We also welcome your call: 302-738-4144 (Delaware) or 410-398-2146. (Maryland).